The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

A handful of counties are holding a Global Plastics Treaty back

A proposal that would have required signatory countries to set a limit on and transparently report their global plastic production has failed to pass at a United Nations meeting in Canada due to a handful of nations, including the United States. This has stalled progress on the establishment of a...

Qld enshrines carbon cuts

Legislation – requiring Queensland to cut emissions by 30 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030, 75 per cent by 2035, and reach net zero by 2050 – was introduced by the Queensland government in February and backed by the opposition, and the Greens in a vote yesterday.

Woodside’s Scarborough pipeline at the centre of dangerous offshore incidents

Woodside Energy’s installation of a vital offshore gas pipeline for its $18 billion Scarborough gas project has been halted following a serious incident on Monday night which ripped a gaping hole in the pipeline. This comes on the heels of another incident reported by unnamed sources earlier this...

Torres Strait elders join students at School Strike 4 Climate

Thousands of students will take to the streets today for the School Strike 4 Climate as Torres Strait Islander people desperately hope the message cuts through to the government. Torres Strait Islander elders Pabai Pabai and Paul Kabai are in Melbourne for hearings in the landmark court case they...

Top management consultancy McKinsey undermining global climate action

The world's top management consultancy McKinsey & Company is using its position as a key advisor to the UN's COP28 climate talks to push the interests of its big oil and gas clients, undermining efforts to end the use of the fossil fuels driving global warming, according to multiple sources and...

Central Queensland is becoming a renewables powerhouse

Central Queensland is continuing to establish itself as a renewables powerhouse with a new solar power station receiving a green light from the government, and Squadron Energy’s completion of the first wind turbine on what will be the largest grid-connected renewable energy station in Australia.

WA only state without 2030 emissions reduction target

Western Australia has confirmed it will be the only state to not set an emissions reduction target for 2030, despite having the most work to do to bring its carbon output down. Greenpeace Australia Pacific's Jess Panegyres said it was disappointing WA was being left without a 2030 target because it...

Woodside’s seismic testing plans on hold

Following an emergency injunction on Thursday, Woodside Energy must suspend its planned seismic testing for its Scarborough gas project off the West Australian coast while a challenge over its legality is under way. 

Our priority is bringing you the important stories of the day, regardless of which media outlet publishes them. Inclusion of stories in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement of the media outlet or the views and statements contained within them.

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