The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

UN levy on global shipping industry sets sail

After mammoth negotiations led by Pacific Island nations the Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands, the global shipping industry is set to have an emissions levy imposed. It comes after gruelling United Nations negotiations ended with an agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

End in sight for fossil fuel boom

Australia’s coal miners and gas producers are facing sharp falls in commodity prices this year, ending their extraordinary run of record profits, as a historic global supply crunch continues to ease and an economic slowdown dampens demand.

Uber Eats couriers to go electric by 2040

Tech giant Uber has set a 2040 deadline to phase out petrol vehicles and unnecessary plastic waste from food deliveries made through the Uber Eats platform across Australia as part of a push to curb its impact on the environment.

Plastic bag ban is paying off for Sydney Harbour

Seabin - an environmental project that filters the water in Sydney Harbour to capture microplastics and large plastics - has observed a 70% reduction in lightweight plastic bags floating in the harbour. The company’s CEO says that this shows the staggering impact of an enforced ban on lightweight...

Chevron's admissions are an indictment on carbon capture technology

United States oil and gas giant Chevron has acknowledged its flagship carbon capture and storage project off Australia's north-west coast is operating at just a third of its capacity as problems bedevil the facility. Analysts and critics say this raises more questions than answers for the use of...

Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior to dock in Australia this weekend

Greenpeace’s most iconic ship, the Rainbow Warrior, arrives in Western Australia this weekend to join with local communities to protect our oceans and climate from fossil fuel company Woodside and its monstrous Burrup Hub gas project. We’re sailing the length of WA with a simple message: choose...

Our priority is bringing you the important stories of the day, regardless of which media outlet publishes them. Inclusion of stories in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement of the media outlet or the views and statements contained within them.

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More than half of all Australians get their news from social media. But when social media bans public interest reporting - a pillar of our democracy - we are here for you, because the truth matters.

Essential information delivered through a strong, trusted and diverse media is essential for the protection of nature, and the achievement of a world capable of nurturing life in all its magnificent diversity.


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