The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Dolphin found dead in NSW Government-owned shark net

A young dolphin has been found dead, deeply entangled in a NSW Government-owned shark net off Bronte Beach in Sydney over the weekend, prompting renewed calls to ban the devices. A review of the state's shark net program concluded that of the 300 animals caught in its 51 shark nets during the...

Whistleblower claims dolphin deaths, oil spill downplayed by Santos

A Santos employee has accused the Australian oil and gas company of covering up the extent of an oil spill he says killed dolphins off the Western Australian coast last year. The claims were tabled by independent Senator David Pocock in federal parliament on Thursday. Greenpeace Australia Pacific...

Australia urged to boost clean energy spending

After mammoth commitments to invest in green energy by the US, clean energy advocates are warning this may now see critical resources, investment, and talent drawn to the US unless governments led by the Commonwealth boost their efforts to keep pace.

Number of electric vehicles on Australian roads soars as demand exceeds supply

The number of electric vehicles on Australian roads is likely to race past 100,000 early this year, after almost doubling in 2022. The Electric Vehicle Council study released on Tuesday shows more than 83,000 electric cars were being driven in Australia and the number of charging stations had...

Bid for World Heritage status for Burrup Peninsula

The Federal Government is believed to have made a bid to give UNESCO World Heritage Status to the Burrup Peninsula. The bid comes as Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek is weighing up a number of major fossil fuel and resources developments in the area, including Woodside's North West Shelf and...

Fossil fuel giants pour dirty money into political parties

New data from the Australian Electoral Commission shows how fossil fuel giants funded the election campaigns of the major parties in 2022, with coal, gas, and oil interests giving more than $2.3 million to the Liberals, Labor, and the Nationals. 

Woodside’s old toxic oil tower sinking near Ningaloo Reef

A toxic, derelict steel tower used by Woodside to produce oil is slowly sinking and risks ending up on the seabed near Western Australia’s Ningaloo Reef after shoddy maintenance delayed its removal for four years.

Greta detained by German police

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was carried away and detained by police in the German village of Lutzerath. She and other demonstrators had been blocking the front of a coal mine to oppose its expansion and didn’t leave after the police had asked them to.

Our priority is bringing you the important stories of the day, regardless of which media outlet publishes them. Inclusion of stories in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement of the media outlet or the views and statements contained within them.

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