The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

The solution to the "energy crisis" is staring us in the face

As energy price shocks hit Australia, it’s plunged our newly elected government into “crisis talks”. While the nation wrings its hands about the price of gas, it’s worth reminding ourselves of some key facts: firstly, the only reason there is a “gas shortage” is because the gas industry ships most...

Energy crisis 'to hit power bills and jobs'

The energy crisis continues to dominate news and the efforts of the newly-elected Labor government, with experts warning that electricity users are set to pay much, much more and thousands of manufacturing jobs could be at risk.

Labor tipped to form majority govt

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese looks set to form a majority Labor government, with the ABC projecting that a Labor victory in the Melbourne seat of Macnamara will give Labor at least 76 seats — the minimum required to form a majority government.

Ding, dong, AGL's demerger is dead

Big news out of AGL this morning, with numerous outlets reporting that Australia’s biggest climate polluter is set to scrap its controversial demerger, after huge investor and environmental pressure.The renewable energy vision of the new government has inspired the big banks, while a new report has...

New Nats MP was founder of climate denial group

Australians who voted for stronger climate action over the weekend may be disappointed, but not really surprised, that the new Nats MP for the Queensland seat of Flynn was a founding member of a club formed to promote climate science denial and signed onto a public statement declaring “there is no...

New FM assures Pacific leaders on climate

Australia’s new foreign affairs minister, Penny Wong, has sent a video message to regional leaders, assuring them that the new Labor government “knows that nothing is more central to the security and wellbeing of the Pacific than climate change” and will seek to improve relations with the region.

It's a brand new day in Australian climate politics

There’s a slew of commentary across the media on the weekend’s momentous election result, but one thing stands above all others - this year, Australians have voted for the climate. What this means for Australia is already becoming apparent, with Mike Cannon-Brookes pointing out that Labor’s 82%...

Greens reveal $7.8 million plan for climate impact home grants

The Greens are set to announce a $7.8 billion property disaster resilience plan that offers homeowners up to $20,000 in matching grants to raise or flood-proof their houses, as survivors of the recent east coast flooding disaster still await their assistance grants. 

Labor’s cash pledge fails to recognise root cause of Reef strife

Labor will today announce an additional $194 million over four years to protect the Great Barrier Reef, with the funding to include reducing plastic pollution and installing real time sensors to study changes in temperature. But the party’s emissions reduction target of 43 per cent by 2030 fails to...

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