The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

The frontrunner for AGL Energy's next chair has been announced

Australia's Biggest Climate Polluter, AGL Energy, faces a fresh fight with its biggest shareholder, Mike Cannon-Brookes, after it short-listed Paula Dwyer as its next chair ahead of a major overhaul of its board and strategy.

Former Pacific Island presidents call out Australia's climate ambition

Two former Pacific Island presidents have called out the Albanese government’s hopes to co-host a UN climate summit, questioning how serious the new Australian government is about tackling global warming when new coal and gas projects are allowed to be approved on its shores.

Super fund gives AGL, Woodside last chance on climate

One of Australia’s biggest super funds has warned electricity producers AGL and Origin and gas companies Santos and Woodside that it could dump their stocks unless the companies take serious steps to align their business plans with limiting global heating to 1.5 degrees Celcius.

Energy companies not cutting pollution fast enough

90 per cent of major Australian electricity companies, including AGL, are failing to cut greenhouse gas emissions fast enough to meet the goals of the landmark Paris climate agreement, a study has found.

Australia in clean car traffic jam

Australia’s decade of climate policy inaction has pushed the nation to the end of the electric vehicle global supply chain, leaving a shortage of affordable clean cars and a lack of charging points that will set back the transition from petrol vehicles for years.

Greens pledge support for climate bill

Labor’s signature climate policy will become law after the Greens pledged to support the plan to cut emissions by 43 per cent by 2030 in the Senate.

Our priority is bringing you the important stories of the day, regardless of which media outlet publishes them. Inclusion of stories in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement of the media outlet or the views and statements contained within them.

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