The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

AGL demerger hanging by a thread

AGL’s demerger proposal is said to be “hanging by a thread” after Mike Cannon-Brooke announced that recent share purchases made him AGL’s largest shareholder and he plans to use that power to vote down the coal company’s plans to split.

Breakdown costs revealed as Cannon-Brookes takes a chunk of AGL

The breakdown at AGL’s ageing and unreliable Loy Yang coal burning power station in Victoria will eat into the mega-polluter’s profits to the tune of up to $70 million and potentially jeopardise the company’s demerger plans.

Power prices soared 141% due to expensive, unreliable coal

The stalling of coal closure under the guise of cost and reliability has been further proven a fallacy, with the energy market operator revealing wholesale electricity prices soared 141 per cent in the first quarter compared to last year due to coal plant outages and coal market bids.

Coalition puts its commitment to net-zero into question

The Coalition’s commitment to its flimsy “plan” to get Australia to net-zero emissions by 2050 is in question after members of the Nats described the target as “flexible” and “non-binding” with one going so far as to call the goal “dead”.

Greens want to make polluters pay for flood damage

The Greens have injected a new idea into the “same old” of this election campaign, proposing that coal and gas companies should be able to sued for the damage caused by the recent flood crisis.

Failure to deal with climate could double govt debt

Modelling commissioned by the Morrison government reveals the federal government’s debts could double if it fails to cut greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. 

Another record year for Aussie renewables

Let’s start with the good news - a new Clean Energy Council report shows that renewables have had another record year, despite a slow-down in investment, which has at least partially been driven by unsupportive Federal energy policy. The Wesfarmers conglomerate has inked a deal on a massive...

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