The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Woodside’s seismic testing plans on hold

Following an emergency injunction on Thursday, Woodside Energy must suspend its planned seismic testing for its Scarborough gas project off the West Australian coast while a challenge over its legality is under way. 

NSW government to work with Origin to keep Eraring power station open

The NSW Labor government has flagged extending the life of Australia’s largest coal-fired power station beyond 2025 but cannot say how long it will stay open or whether taxpayers could be forced to foot the bill.A Senate inquiry into the planned Middle Arm development near Darwin has been...

Activists prevented from speaking out about Woodside

Four activists have been hit with violence restraining orders that their lawyer says prevents them from making any public reference to Woodside’s CEO and effectively stops them from speaking out about the company.

Labor doesn’t commit to native forest logging ban

The Albanese government has rejected an internal push to ban native forest logging, instead committing to rewrite the three-decades-old national forest policy statement this term. Labor Environment Action Network spokesperson, Felicity Wade, praised the commitment but labelled native forest logging...

Labor’s environmental arm pushes for forestry policy changes

More than 300 Labor branches have backed a push by the party’s environmental arm for the Albanese government to fund an expanded, publicly owned plantation industry to ensure the country gets the timber it needs and end native forest logging.

Tasmania jails first forest protestor in a decade

A Tasmanian forest protester has been sentenced to three months jail – the first time in a decade anyone in the state has served time for environmental activism. Before entering court Colette Joan Harmsen made a passionate speech to a large group of forest and anti-mining protesters who turned up...

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