The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

A greater glider has been spotted in Deongwar state forest

After 25-years logging and bushfires, a greater glider has been spotted in Deongwar state forest. Deongwar state forest contains 4,700 hectares of intact remnant native bushland and is a key wildlife corridor, connecting large tracts of nearby forest. But in March the logging stopped.

Twenty-nine pilot whales dead after mass stranding on WA beach

Authorities are rushing to save more than 150 whales from a mass stranding at a beach in Western Australia’s south-west. Four pods have spread across roughly 500 metres at Toby Inlet near Dunsborough and 29 of these have died, Parks and Wildlife Service Western Australia confirmed.“There are 20...

AustralianSuper joins protest vote against Woodside’s climate plans

Australia’s biggest superannuation fund has joined a protest vote against Woodside Energy’s failure to do more to address the climate crisis, saying it has ‘ongoing concerns’ about how the country’s biggest oil and gas company will reach net zero emissions by 2050.

Woodside among top 100 greenhouse gas emitters since Paris agreement

A mere 57 fossil fuel producers are directly linked to 80% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions since the 2016 Paris climate agreement, a study has shown. West Australian gas giant Woodside comes in the top 100 of the world’s biggest polluters, with the analysis showing Woodside has increased...

Federal government makes late changes to soften controversial gas approvals law

The federal government has softened controversial changes that opponents fear could lead to fast-tracked gas approvals, as it tries to negotiate new ministerial powers through the parliament. Federal parliament is this week considering a bill that seeks to make a tweak which would allow the...

Methane emissions from energy sector near record high

The International Energy Agency’s Global Methane Tracker has revealed that large methane plumes from leaky fossil fuel infrastructure jumped by 50 per cent in 2023 compared with 2022. However, the International Energy Agency is optimistic that new satellites will help improve monitoring and...

Our priority is bringing you the important stories of the day, regardless of which media outlet publishes them. Inclusion of stories in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement of the media outlet or the views and statements contained within them.

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Essential information delivered through a strong, trusted and diverse media is essential for the protection of nature, and the achievement of a world capable of nurturing life in all its magnificent diversity.


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