The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Tiwi Islanders lose bid to prevent Santos’ Barossa gas project

Gas giant Santos has been granted permission to resume laying an underwater pipeline for its $5.7 billion Barossa gas project in the Timor Sea, north of Darwin. This ruling comes following months of legal arguments from Tiwi Islanders that Santos' cultural heritage survey had not properly addressed...

Santos attempts to discredit Tiwi Island elders dreaming stories

Fossil fuel giant Santos has accused Tiwi Island elders of altering dreaming stories to block its $5.6 billion Barossa gas project. Tiwi Islander knowledge about the movements and resting places of two significant ancestral beings has been at the centre of the latest chapter of a Federal Court...

RACGP backs duty of care bill for climate change harms

RACGP backs duty of care bill for climate change harms. Australia’s largest representative body for GPs has thrown its support behind a duty of care bill requiring the Federal Government to protect young people from climate change harms in decision-making.

WA fails to back state premier’s gas claims

Western Australia’s premier has claimed at a WA energy transition summit that expanding the state’s gas industry – and increasing its greenhouse gas pollution in the short term – will be good for the planet as it will lead to a “dramatic reduction” in global emissions. Yet, the state government has...

Torres Strait elders join students at School Strike 4 Climate

Thousands of students will take to the streets today for the School Strike 4 Climate as Torres Strait Islander people desperately hope the message cuts through to the government. Torres Strait Islander elders Pabai Pabai and Paul Kabai are in Melbourne for hearings in the landmark court case they...

Schoolkids set to strike for the climate

Two Australian climate scientists have written a Climate Doctor’s Certificate for students to use when they put down their pens, shut their laptops and leave class in droves to strike for the climate this Friday. The letter states the student is unfit for school due to a major climate health...

Australia signs treaty with climate change impacted Tuvalu

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced a new pact with the low-lying island country of Tuvalu, allowing residents facing displacement the ability to resettle in Australia. The agreement comes as Tuvalu's viability is threatened by rising sea levels caused by escalating climate change, with...

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