The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Labor doesn’t commit to native forest logging ban

The Albanese government has rejected an internal push to ban native forest logging, instead committing to rewrite the three-decades-old national forest policy statement this term. Labor Environment Action Network spokesperson, Felicity Wade, praised the commitment but labelled native forest logging...

Infrared video exposes climate-heating methane gas leaks

The Australian Conservation Foundation has captured infrared video that they say exposes climate-heating methane gas leaks and venting at dozens of mines and facilities owned by energy giants Santos and Origin, as well as pipeline company Jemena. 

NSW ranked last in forest protection

The New South Wales Government has ranked last behind every state, territory and even the federal government in combating deforestation. It comes as protesters lock themselves to machinery to disrupt logging in Newry State Forest, within the proposed area for the state government's promised Great...

Labor’s environmental arm pushes for forestry policy changes

More than 300 Labor branches have backed a push by the party’s environmental arm for the Albanese government to fund an expanded, publicly owned plantation industry to ensure the country gets the timber it needs and end native forest logging.

The age of the plug in hybrid is coming to an end

Latest industry figures show EVs accounted for a record 9.4 per cent of new car sales in June, up from 1.7 per cent a year earlier. The age of the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) appears to be drawing to an end, at least in Australia, with plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) forming a significantly...

Citizen scientists discover illegal logging of endangered trees

Citizen scientists from Wildlife of the Central Highlands (WOTCH) and the Victorian Forest Alliance (VFA) have discovered state-owned logging company VicForests has continued to illegally destroy numerous endangered Tree Geebungs while doing 'regeneration' works. The area is within the Immediate...

Woolworths announces its electric delivery fleet is coming

Woolworths has announced that it will launch 27 new electric vehicles onto the roads of Sydney in coming months, the first stage of a broader plan to make its entire fleet 100 per cent electric-powered by 2030. According to Woolworths, the plan will help it hit its target of reducing transport...

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