The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Controversial coal mine granted significant infra status

The New South Wales government has granted a mine plan, it has yet to see, State Significant Infrastructure (SSI) status. This comes less than a year after the Dendrobium coal mine in the Illawarra had its bid for an extension rejected by the Independent Planning Commission, which found the project...

Labor misses the mark with weak climate policy

Labor has released the climate policy it will take to the Federal election. It's less ambitious than their previous policy and falls well short of what's required to help rein in global warming. The test for Labor is not whether they can promise something a bit better than one of the worst...

Maroons going green would boost economy, says new report

Queensland could grow its economy to $780 billion a year and require a million extra workers under a well-managed shift to net zero by 2050, according to a new report by Deloitte Access Economics commissioned by the Climate Council. 

Emissions are down, no thanks to the Federal Government

Australia’s latest quarterly emissions data is out - emissions have dropped as coal is squeezed out of the energy system by cleaner, cheaper renewables. No thanks to the Federal Government, with a new WWF report finding that the Feds lag behind all Australian states on renewable energy action.In a...

The Federal Govt intervenes to stymie state climate action

Heavy-handed state intervention is the order of the day, with the Federal Government stepping in to stymie state participation in global climate pacts. Imagine if they spent as much time on climate solutions, as trying to stop them…

Morrison government full of climate-wrecking gas

Following Scott Morrison’s “jig” to celebrate the toxic Scarborough gas project, the federal government is set to release a national gas investment framework spelling out plans to grow and support the fossil fuel. 

Woodside pushes ahead with its toxic Scarborough gas drilling project

Fossil fuel company Woodside Energy has reached final investment decision on its Scarborough Gas drilling project, which if it goes ahead is set to be Australia’s most climate polluting project. But the path for Woodside is far from certain, with regulatory hurdles and legal challenges to clear,...

Morrison government’s BECCS flex a hex on climate

The BECCS (bioenergy with carbon capture and storage) technique earmarked in the Morrison government’s plan to reach net zero by 2050 has been widely panned by experts as ‘ecologically risky’, ‘a farce’, and 'should be avoided'.

Our priority is bringing you the important stories of the day, regardless of which media outlet publishes them. Inclusion of stories in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement of the media outlet or the views and statements contained within them.

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