The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Climate crisis impacts youth mental health

A new report has found that one in four Australians aged 15 to 19 were "very or extremely concerned" about climate change. Nearly two in five of those people also experienced high psychological distress.

Climate activists halt Newcastle coal train

Dozens of climate activists linked to the climate defence group Rising Tide have been arrested after shovelling coal from a train bound for Newcastle, the world’s largest coal export port. The activists say civil disobedience is the only option while NSW was significantly expanding its coal...

Emissions from utes, SUVs blow out target

Carbon emissions from utes, large SUVs and light commercial vehicles are rising in Australia and are exceeding the industry's own emission reduction targets by a significant amount, according to a new report. The Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries blamed the country's lack of EVs and absence...

Coal, gas export value headed for collapse: trade data

The value of Australia’s coal and gas exports could be halved in just five years as new forecasts warn booming commodity prices have likely passed their peaks and key trading partners across Asia are increasing efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Safeguard Mechanism deal struck

A key piece of Labor's climate legislation is likely to pass parliament, after it struck a compromise deal with the Greens over new coal and gas. The Greens were initially calling for no new coal or gas projects to be included in the Safeguard Mechanism bill, however backed the policy following a...

EPA sounds alarm on Woodside’s gas emissions and threat to ancient rock art

Western Australia's environmental watchdog has raised concerns Woodside doesn't plan to reduce emissions fast enough at its Pluto gas facility on the Burrup Peninsula, while calling for an urgent inquiry to ensure the facility’s emissions don’t accelerate the weathering of World-Heritage-nominated...

Aussies suffer from climate trauma and insurance costs post Lismore floods

A peak oil and gas lobby, which includes dirty fossil fuel giant Woodside, Shell, and BP, continues to argue against the Albanese Government’s signature climate action plan, including its opposition to international offsets. Under a proposal unveiled earlier this year, emissions would be required...

Australia urged to boost clean energy spending

After mammoth commitments to invest in green energy by the US, clean energy advocates are warning this may now see critical resources, investment, and talent drawn to the US unless governments led by the Commonwealth boost their efforts to keep pace.

Bid for World Heritage status for Burrup Peninsula

The Federal Government is believed to have made a bid to give UNESCO World Heritage Status to the Burrup Peninsula. The bid comes as Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek is weighing up a number of major fossil fuel and resources developments in the area, including Woodside's North West Shelf and...

Resources minister urges mining and gas companies to back Voice

Resources Minister Madeleine King has urged mining and gas companies to get behind the Indigenous Voice to parliament, saying they have a unique responsibility to correct the wrongs of the past. King said the resources sector had made “extraordinary and devastating mistakes” in their interactions...

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