The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Greenpeace Australia Pacific files lawsuit against Woodside

Greenpeace Australia Pacific has filed a lawsuit against fossil fuel giant Woodside in the Federal Court of Australia. The case could see Woodside held to account for allegedly misleading and/or deceiving the Australian public about the enormous climate harm of its gas and oil projects. If...

Countries meet to break climate talk deadlocks at CO28

Nearly 200 countries have convened in majlis – a traditional meeting akin to an elders’ conference in the United Arab Emirates – in an attempt to reach consensus on various deadlocks amongst countries at COP, including on whether fossil fuels should be phased out or phased down. Australian climate...

Native logging ban in Tasmania could save the state $72m

An analysis by think tank Blueprint Institute has recommended that the Tasmanian government immediately stop subsidising its forestry arm and announce logging will end in mid-2025 in a move which would not only value the state’s centuries-old trees as carbon storage but also save the state at least...

New data exposes shocking scale of Woodside's Burrup Hub

Planned gas developments on Western Australia’s Burrup Hub led by fossil fuel giant Woodside could result in twice as much greenhouse gas being emitted as any other Australian fossil fuel development up for approval, according to an analysis by Greenpeace.In a stunning photo essay,...

Schoolkids set to strike for the climate

Two Australian climate scientists have written a Climate Doctor’s Certificate for students to use when they put down their pens, shut their laptops and leave class in droves to strike for the climate this Friday. The letter states the student is unfit for school due to a major climate health...

Australia signs treaty with climate change impacted Tuvalu

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced a new pact with the low-lying island country of Tuvalu, allowing residents facing displacement the ability to resettle in Australia. The agreement comes as Tuvalu's viability is threatened by rising sea levels caused by escalating climate change, with...

Misinformation puts potential wind energy industry at risk

A wave of political rhetoric and alleged misinformation around the impacts of offshore wind farms on whales has led to fears that a potential wind energy industry off the coast of the Illawarra and Hunter regions could be derailed before it properly begins. Greenpeace says that exploration for and...

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