The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

UN slams COP28 ‘posturing’ amongst nations

Pressure is mounting near the end of the first week of the UN negotiations hosted by the oil-rich UAE, with Europe's climate monitor confirming that 2023 will be the hottest year in recorded history. The fate of oil, gas and coal -- the main drivers of human-caused planet heating -- has been the...

Seismic testing reapproved at risk of deafening whales

Woodside Energy has once again been given the all-clear to carry out seismic testing for its massive Scarborough project off the Pilbara coast after an earlier approval was ruled invalid by the Federal Court. Greenpeace Australia Pacific senior campaigner Sophie McNeill says the organisation is...

WA fails to back state premier’s gas claims

Western Australia’s premier has claimed at a WA energy transition summit that expanding the state’s gas industry – and increasing its greenhouse gas pollution in the short term – will be good for the planet as it will lead to a “dramatic reduction” in global emissions. Yet, the state government has...

Torres Strait elders join students at School Strike 4 Climate

Thousands of students will take to the streets today for the School Strike 4 Climate as Torres Strait Islander people desperately hope the message cuts through to the government. Torres Strait Islander elders Pabai Pabai and Paul Kabai are in Melbourne for hearings in the landmark court case they...

Schoolkids set to strike for the climate

Two Australian climate scientists have written a Climate Doctor’s Certificate for students to use when they put down their pens, shut their laptops and leave class in droves to strike for the climate this Friday. The letter states the student is unfit for school due to a major climate health...

Major bank makes a deforestation commitment

Westpac has become the first big Australian bank to set a zero-deforestation target for loans to beef, dairy and sheep farmers with a commitment to no further conversion of natural forests to agricultural use from the end of 2025. The bank’s climate report also says it will no longer directly...

Emissions from Beetaloo gas grossly understated

New analysis by Climate Analytics shows onshore emissions of proposed fracking in the Beetaloo Basin are understated by up to 84%, stating these emissions are estimated to add up to 11% of Australia’s 2021 emissions.

Tiwi Island elders issue new challenge to Santos

In a new push to stop Santos’ monster Barossa gas project, six Tiwi Island elders have applied to Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to stop the installation of a critical gas pipeline due to start within days. The elders want Minister Plibersek to declare emergency protection for an area they...

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