The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Australia urged to boost clean energy spending

After mammoth commitments to invest in green energy by the US, clean energy advocates are warning this may now see critical resources, investment, and talent drawn to the US unless governments led by the Commonwealth boost their efforts to keep pace.

Gas producers bullying Aussie businesses

Major industry groups representing Australian manufacturers have accused the gas industry of getting around the federal government's gas price controls by withholding supply. East coast gas producers have effectively suspended new sales since the federal government announced price caps on fossil...

Fate of the living world will be decided at COP15, say scientists

The “fate of the entire living world” will be determined at the Cop15 UN biodiversity summit, according to leading scientists. They said the gathering of the world’s nations, which began on Wednesday in Montreal, is “vastly more important than Cop27”, the recent high-profile UN climate meeting. “We...

Flash flooding emerging as new climate threat to Australians

As Australia’s climate sits just shy of 1.5 degrees of warming since records began in 1910, a new report from CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology has found flash flooding is emerging as a new climate threat. Cloudbursts of increasing intense rainfall are more likely as warming continues, since the...

Historic deal on loss and damage secured at COP27

Exhausted, hungry and very-much-over-it negotiators, government officials and climate campaigners (including our brilliant team from Greenpeace Australia Pacific) are now leaving the Egyptian resort town of Sharm El-Sheikh, after COP27 has come to a close.

Our priority is bringing you the important stories of the day, regardless of which media outlet publishes them. Inclusion of stories in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement of the media outlet or the views and statements contained within them.

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More than half of all Australians get their news from social media. But when social media bans public interest reporting - a pillar of our democracy - we are here for you, because the truth matters.

Essential information delivered through a strong, trusted and diverse media is essential for the protection of nature, and the achievement of a world capable of nurturing life in all its magnificent diversity.


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