The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Woodside’s Goyder under pressure amidst shareholder backlash on climate

Britain’s biggest asset manager says it will vote to remove Richard Goyder as chairman of Australian oil and gas giant Woodside as shareholder backlash continues building against the board for refusing to do more to tackle global warming ahead of the company’s annual investor meeting next week.An...

Australia’s top companies lack clear plans to stop using fossil fuels

Ten of Australia’s best-known corporations – including Coles, Telstra, Woolworths and Qantas – have no clear plans to stop using or supporting fossil fuels despite having targets to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions, according to a UTS report.

Countries meet to break climate talk deadlocks at CO28

Nearly 200 countries have convened in majlis – a traditional meeting akin to an elders’ conference in the United Arab Emirates – in an attempt to reach consensus on various deadlocks amongst countries at COP, including on whether fossil fuels should be phased out or phased down. Australian climate...

Native logging ban in Tasmania could save the state $72m

An analysis by think tank Blueprint Institute has recommended that the Tasmanian government immediately stop subsidising its forestry arm and announce logging will end in mid-2025 in a move which would not only value the state’s centuries-old trees as carbon storage but also save the state at least...

Soaring fuel costs strengthen demand for a fuel efficiency standard

New polling from the Climate Council has revealed that more than two-thirds of Australians are ditching the car more often to avoid paying for soaring fuel costs. Of the 1,150 Australians surveyed nationally, more than half feel that the Federal government’s long-awaited fuel efficiency standard...

Report reveals extreme weather toll on health

A new report has found that heat was by far the leading cause of weather-related injury for every state and territory except Tasmania across the past decade. This finding has added to the urgent need for climate action to help protect the most vulnerable Australians in the face of increasingly...

First Nations groups launch legal action against federal government

A confederation of 20 First Nations groups has launched a legal challenge against the federal government, alleging it failed to meet its legal requirements to engage and consult with Indigenous groups before approving the NSW Fractured Rock Water Resource Plan. 

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