The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

El Niño is over and another La Niña could be on the way

Seven months after an El Niño associated with hotter and drier weather got under way, conditions have returned to neutral.Should a La Niña get under way later this year it would be the fourth such event in the past five years. Such a sequence – of three La Niñas followed by an El Niño and La Niña...

Coral bleaching event felt across the globe

It’s not just the Great Barrier Reef that’s going through coral bleaching, the world is experiencing its second major coral bleaching event in 10 years, with reef systems from Australia to Florida teetering on the brink of disaster following months of record-breaking ocean heat.

Methane emissions from energy sector near record high

The International Energy Agency’s Global Methane Tracker has revealed that large methane plumes from leaky fossil fuel infrastructure jumped by 50 per cent in 2023 compared with 2022. However, the International Energy Agency is optimistic that new satellites will help improve monitoring and...

Lord Howe island faces major coral bleaching as ocean temperatures soar

Scientists fear excessive ocean heat – which is bleaching corals in parts of the Great Barrier Reef – is now hitting the world’s most southern coral reef at the World Heritage-listed Lord Howe island. There are also concerns ocean temperatures are reaching dangerous levels for corals at Australia’s...

Australia amongst first to sign global high seas treaty

Australia has become one of the first in the world to sign a legally binding, landmark biodiversity pact for the high seas which addresses an astonishing lack of protection for parts of the ocean that lie over 200 nautical miles offshore. Greenpeace CEO David Ritter has praised this development but...

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