The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

A handful of counties are holding a Global Plastics Treaty back

A proposal that would have required signatory countries to set a limit on and transparently report their global plastic production has failed to pass at a United Nations meeting in Canada due to a handful of nations, including the United States. This has stalled progress on the establishment of a...

Australia likely emitting more methane than reported

Australian fossil fuel producers are probably emitting twice as much methane as they report under traditional measures, according to a think tank led by Rod Sims that pushes for more aggressive energy transition targets. Mr Sims said the federal government must insist on more accurate data from...

CSIRO survey reveals nationwide attitudes towards the renewables transition

Australia’s national science agency has released a survey on nationwide attitudes towards the renewable energy transition, which reveals that almost nine out of every ten Australians want a faster or moderate transition to clean energy. Many respondents have cited energy affordability,...

Australia must invest billions more to reach net zero emissions by 2050

Australia must urgently reduce its reliance on coal and gas exports to meet its ambitious target to reach net zero emissions by 2050, an ex-Labor climate minister has warned. Net Zero Economy Authority outgoing chair Greg Combet said serious action was needed to cut greenhouse gas emissions to curb...

Political stoush erupting over Australia’s environment laws

A political stoush is erupting over a tweak to Australia's environment laws, with the federal government saying it is "clarifying" the approvals process for new offshore gas projects. But the Greens, some independent MPs and environmental groups have condemned the proposed changes, arguing it is a...

Australia’s top companies lack clear plans to stop using fossil fuels

Ten of Australia’s best-known corporations – including Coles, Telstra, Woolworths and Qantas – have no clear plans to stop using or supporting fossil fuels despite having targets to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions, according to a UTS report.

Our priority is bringing you the important stories of the day, regardless of which media outlet publishes them. Inclusion of stories in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement of the media outlet or the views and statements contained within them.

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More than half of all Australians get their news from social media. But when social media bans public interest reporting - a pillar of our democracy - we are here for you, because the truth matters.

Essential information delivered through a strong, trusted and diverse media is essential for the protection of nature, and the achievement of a world capable of nurturing life in all its magnificent diversity.


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