The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Labor sets eyes on carbon capture technology

Resources Minister Madeleine King will invite oil and gas companies to consider reducing greenhouse gas emissions by using controversial carbon capture and storage technologies. This will put Labor at odds with the Greens who argue carbon capture technology will prolong the use of harmful fossil...

WA budget  "clean transitions" held back by gas industry

The Western Australian budget has been delivered, with a commitment to a green energy transition away from coal and a new large-scale 500-megawatt battery. Greenpeace Australia Pacific’s Head of Clean Energy Transition Jess Panegyres said that this commitment could mark a historic turning point in...

Whales Not Woodside: Rainbow Warrior reaches Perth

Greenpeace made a bold entrance to Fremantle on Thursday as its colourful ship, the Rainbow Warrior, docked in the tourist town to draw attention to the gas giant Woodside’s deep-sea drilling plans in the west.

Climate crisis impacts youth mental health

A new report has found that one in four Australians aged 15 to 19 were "very or extremely concerned" about climate change. Nearly two in five of those people also experienced high psychological distress.

Australia revvs up on clean transport but true test comes next

The Australian government has promised to implement a Fuel Efficiency Standard to boost EV supply and cut at least 3 million tonnes of carbon by 2030, but this first step must be followed with a strong policy designed to deliver for Australian households and the climate, not big carmakers. 

Australia's energy transition at tipping point as AGL closes Liddell

AGL, Australia’s biggest climate polluter, this week started the fortnight-long process of closing its Liddell coal-burning power station, marking a win for the climate and a major tipping point for the country’s transition to clean, renewable energy. 

WA’s strongest cyclone in 14 years makes landfall

While northern Australia is no stranger to cyclones, Tropical Cyclone Ilsa is the strongest to hit the region in 14 years. The "very destructive core" of the storm will bring "extreme" wind gusts of up to 315km/h in parts of the Kimberley and Pilbara regions, the Bureau of Meteorology said.

Emissions from utes, SUVs blow out target

Carbon emissions from utes, large SUVs and light commercial vehicles are rising in Australia and are exceeding the industry's own emission reduction targets by a significant amount, according to a new report. The Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries blamed the country's lack of EVs and absence...

Coal, gas export value headed for collapse: trade data

The value of Australia’s coal and gas exports could be halved in just five years as new forecasts warn booming commodity prices have likely passed their peaks and key trading partners across Asia are increasing efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Our priority is bringing you the important stories of the day, regardless of which media outlet publishes them. Inclusion of stories in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement of the media outlet or the views and statements contained within them.

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