The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

New data exposes shocking scale of Woodside's Burrup Hub

Planned gas developments on Western Australia’s Burrup Hub led by fossil fuel giant Woodside could result in twice as much greenhouse gas being emitted as any other Australian fossil fuel development up for approval, according to an analysis by Greenpeace.In a stunning photo essay,...

Emissions from Beetaloo gas grossly understated

New analysis by Climate Analytics shows onshore emissions of proposed fracking in the Beetaloo Basin are understated by up to 84%, stating these emissions are estimated to add up to 11% of Australia’s 2021 emissions.

Tasmania jails first forest protestor in a decade

A Tasmanian forest protester has been sentenced to three months jail – the first time in a decade anyone in the state has served time for environmental activism. Before entering court Colette Joan Harmsen made a passionate speech to a large group of forest and anti-mining protesters who turned up...

UN levy on global shipping industry sets sail

After mammoth negotiations led by Pacific Island nations the Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands, the global shipping industry is set to have an emissions levy imposed. It comes after gruelling United Nations negotiations ended with an agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Pacific deep-sea mining deadline looms

As a crucial deadline looms for a new frontier of mining in the deep Pacific Ocean, Pacific Islanders are worried that deep-sea mining could go ahead before proper regulations are in place. Residents say any damage to ocean ecosystems would be devastating for their countries, where the sea is...

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