The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

National Cabinet to discuss energy prices

Today Australia’s leaders will meet virtually for a National Cabinet meeting, with soaring energy prices being at the top of the agenda. The federal government plans to cap coal prices to help households struggling to pay their energy bills. The rising costs of fossil fuels like coal and gas are...

Fate of the living world will be decided at COP15, say scientists

The “fate of the entire living world” will be determined at the Cop15 UN biodiversity summit, according to leading scientists. They said the gathering of the world’s nations, which began on Wednesday in Montreal, is “vastly more important than Cop27”, the recent high-profile UN climate meeting. “We...

Australia remains behind on emissions targets

The federal government on Thursday delivered Australia's first annual climate change statement. It also released an emissions projection report, part of Australia's new Climate Change Act. The Albanese government says despite being behind on its promised target of a 43 percent emissions reduction...

Historic deal on loss and damage secured at COP27

Exhausted, hungry and very-much-over-it negotiators, government officials and climate campaigners (including our brilliant team from Greenpeace Australia Pacific) are now leaving the Egyptian resort town of Sharm El-Sheikh, after COP27 has come to a close.

Toyota ranked as one of the most negative companies on climate policy

Carmaker Toyota now finds itself sharing space with major oil and gas companies as one of the “world’s most obstructive companies on climate policy” in 2022. The company now ranks near Chevron and Exxon Mobil when it comes to overall climate policy footprint accorrind to new data compiled by ...

Europe’s climate warming at twice rate of global average

Temperatures in Europe have increased at more than twice the global average in the last 30 years, according to a report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Europe is a 'live picture of a warming world', says the organisation and commented that even well-prepared societies are not safe...

One million electric cars on Aussie roads by 2027

Australian corporate giants have joined forces in an ambitious push to have one million electric cars on the road by 2027 and are calling for major changes to Australia's electric vehicle policies, including a fuel efficiency standard. Meanwhile, the European Union has struck a deal on a law to...

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