The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

States to oppose Morrison's CoalKeeper proposal

In today’s news, the Morrison Government will face pressure the states over its plans to slug taxpayers to extend the life of ageing and unreliable coal burning power stations, regardless of whether they supply electricity to the grid or not.

Investor revolt rocks AGL

Yesterday’s annual general meeting of the nation’s biggest climate polluter, AGL, was a veritable bloodbath with Chairman Peter Botten hammered with a tsunami of questions on the company’s shocking environmental record, UN and IEA calls for a 2030 coal closure deadline and AGL’s billion-dollar...

China to end funding of coal power abroad

In today’s news, China’s president has told the UN General Assembly that the country will no longer finance coal projects abroad.

Moderate Libs call for higher emissions reduction target

In today’s news, US President Joe Biden’s climate envoy John Kerry has said the US is ready to “play its part” in a US$100 billion fund to help developing countries adapt to climate change.

World on ‘catastrophic pathway’ to hotter future

In today’s news, a new report by the UN finds that even if all the national commitments submitted by signatories of the Paris climate accord were honoured emissions would still rise nearly 16 per cent by 2030 when they need to fall by around 75 per cent.

Victoria 'to reject plan to subsidise coal power'

In today’s news, Victoria’s energy minister has indicated the state will oppose a controversial proposal to pay the operators of coal burning power stations whether or not they supply electricity to the grid.

Greenwashing corporates put on notice

In today’s news, while just over half of Australia’s 80 top emitting ASX200 companies have now set net zero or carbon neutral goals, only 16 companies plan to cut emissions by switching to clean energy rather than fossil fuels, a new report by Greenpeace Australia Pacific shows.

Australia 'a laggard on coal'

In today’s news, a Federal Court judge is "concerned" by a resource Minister Keith Pitt’s decision to enter into a $21 million grant agreement with a gas company with interests in the Northern Territory's Beetaloo Basin.

'NSW could quit coal by 2030'

In today’s news, NSW Energy Minister Matt Kean has said that he believes the state’s coal burning power stations could close earlier than currently planned and help NSW replace coal fired electricity with renewables by 2030.

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