NSW lags on rollout of renewables
Monday, 11 March 2024
New South Wales has the largest gap between its legislated electricity infrastructure roadmap goals and the present pace of renewables rollout among the states, a performance that will make it harder for Australia to meet national emission reduction goals unless addressed.
The first ban on takeaway plastic coffee cups and lids in Western Australia has been enforced, and businesses that don’t comply can be slapped with a hefty fine.
The latest instalment of ABC’s ‘Australian Story’ delves into the life of teen activist Anjali Sharma and her quest to confront government inaction on climate change within the legal sphere. The episode will be airing tonight at 8 pm AEDT.
Top stories:
NSW is lagging in rolling out renewable energy projects and could miss 2030 target
New South Wales has the largest gap between its legislated electricity infrastructure roadmap goals and the present pace of renewables rollout among the states, a performance that will make it harder for Australia to meet national emission reduction goals unless addressed, a new report from Green Energy Market argues.
Western Australia issues first ban on plastic takeaway coffee cups
The first ban on takeaway plastic coffee cups and lids in Western Australia has been enforced, and businesses that don’t comply can be slapped with a hefty fine. Western Australia has become the first jurisdiction in the nation to ban takeaway cups, as part of its Plan for Plastics, which began in 2021.
Teen activist Anjali Sharma wages war on government climate inaction from dorm room
The latest instalment of ABC’s ‘Australian Story’ delves into the life of teen activist Anjali Sharma and her quest to confront government inaction on climate change within the legal sphere. The episode will be airing tonight at 8 pm AEDT.
Affluent businessman plans to end native forest logging in NSW
Businessman Geoff Cousins is using his wallet and contact book to end native logging in NSW. Unless the NSW government ends all logging in the state’s native forests and removes the chair of the state-owned Forestry Corporation, Stefanie Loader, Cousins says he will devote his “full resources” to seeing that those things happen.
Australia’s inconsistencies on cattle census has implications for tracking emissions
A Queensland researcher has said that Australia has underestimated how many cattle it has by about 10 million cows, with significant implications for tracking greenhouse gas emissions. Estimates from the Australian Bureau of Statistics state there are 25 million beef and dairy cattle in Australia, while the CSIRO places the figure at 35 million.
Flood cover could become a mandatory insurance policy for some homeowners
After 2022’s east coast floods, which triggered $7.4 billion in insurance claims, there are signs some insurers may be making flood coverage mandatory for new customers. This move could leave those most vulnerable without any cover at all.
Severe heatwaves hit south-eastern Australia
An extreme heat forecast will continue across Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and NSW for several days, as record temperatures cause the cancellation of long weekend events.