The Canopy

Western Sydney faces five-fold increase in extreme heat days without rapid emissions cuts

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Suburbs in Sydney’s west like Penrith could face nearly two months of extreme heat above 35 degrees per year by the end of the century if carbon emissions remain high, according to a new report by Sweltering Cities and the Australia Institute. 

Billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes and inventor Saul Griffith have urged politicians not to miss the opportunity to reduce emissions and save Australian households $4,200 a year by promoting the electrification of homes and vehicles. 

And oil companies’ climate promises are nothing but hot hair, with new research finding Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, and BP are failing to meet green energy investment pledges and lack consistent transparency. 

Sweltering mother from Sydney’s west puts son, 3, to sleep in car for the aircon

According to the HeatWatch report by Sweltering Cities and the Australia Institute, Penrith could face nearly two months of extreme heat – days above 35 degrees – a year by the end of the century if carbon emissions remain high. 

Billionaire’s letter urges Australian politicians to act on $4200 saving to households

Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes has urged every federal politician to help Australian households save $4,200 a year and reduce emissions by building the industry for electrification. 

Big oil all talk, no action on climate change? Researchers say they've got the proof

The world's highest-polluting oil companies such as Shell, ExxonMobil, and BP are promising big but delivering very little on climate change, according to damning new research. 

NSW threatened species list grows by almost 20, environment report finds

Almost 20 animals and plants have been added to the threatened species list in three years, temperatures are 1.1 degrees warmer than they were last century, and the landscape has been ravaged by extreme weather conditions, the NSW State of the Environment 2021 report shows.

From sleeping in the stairs to four showers a day, desperate public housing residents try to escape Melbourne's summer heat

Melbourne residents are struggling in hot, cramped apartment towers. Sweltering Cities said we need to be looking at the projected temperatures when it comes to building safe housing, not the historical temperatures.