Climate change has seen Indonesia’s iconic Komodo dragon listed as endangered because of rising sea levels and rising temperatures.
And did you know that blue tongue lizards have have developed a resistance to the venom of the red-bellied black snake?
Rural and regional communities can win from policies that address climate change, according to the European Union's top diplomat in Australia.
The Komodo dragon is now listed as endangered, notably because of rising sea levels and rising temperatures in its Indonesian habitat.
The Federal Environment Minister, Susan Ley has granted final approval for Wollongong Coal’s Russell Vale Colliery extension. The colliery has been in care and maintenance since 2015 with the company revealing in its 2020 annual financial report its total debt has ballooned to $1,089,243,000.
A well-connected network of philanthropists, activists and political operatives plans to support independents gunning for Liberal seats in Sydney and Melbourne in next year’s federal election, hoping to increase climate action by shifting the balance of power in Parliament.
Blue-tongue lizards have developed a resistance to the venom of the red-bellied black snake, according to new research.