The Canopy

UN Reef mission barred from hearing independent voices

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Greenpeace activists and volunteers have rallied in Brisbane to send a message to a UN mission in Queensland to assess the health of the Great Barrier Reef amid concerns over political interference in the trip and a lack of access for independent voices, including communities.

Defence leaders have warned that the climate crisis is the greatest threat to the future and security of Australians and the country is unprepared for its increasingly harsh impacts.

And investors overseeing $65 trillion in assets have rebuked Australian gas giant Woodside for burying a report that contradicted decarbonisation claims it used to justify expansion projects.


Protesters rally in Brisbane as UN mission arrives to inspect Great Barrier Reef

With the Great Barrier Reef undergoing a severe and widespread coral bleaching event it is vital that a UN mission currently in Australia to survey the Reef’s health is allowed to see the climate damage to the Reef firsthand, Greenpeace Australia Pacific says.

Communities and NGOs barred from meeting with UN mission to Reef

The UNESCO mission to the Reef needs to see the severe and widespread bleaching event that is happening right now because of climate change and not just the postcard images that the Australian Government wants to advertise, Greenpeace said in response to independent scientists, environmental charities and local Queensland groups being barred from meeting with the mission.

‘Really worrying’: $65 trillion climate group to probe Woodside’s CSIRO report

A climate-focused investor coalition overseeing $65 trillion in assets has rebuked Australian energy giant Woodside for burying a report that contradicted decarbonisation claims it used to justify expansion projects, revealing it will discuss the research with local funds and Asian institutions.

Climate crisis is greatest threat to Australia’s future and security, former defence leaders warn

The climate crisis is the greatest threat to the future and security of Australians and the country is unprepared for its increasingly harsh impacts, a group of defence leaders has warned.

No country met WHO air quality standards in 2021 - data

Not a single country managed to meet the World Health Organization's air quality standard in 2021, a survey of pollution data in 6,475 cities showed on Tuesday, and smog even rebounded in some regions after a COVID-related dip.