The Canopy

UN chief and Australian doctors prescribe urgent end to coal

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Wednesday, 18 May 2022

UN chief António Guterres has called fossil fuels a dead end “environmentally and economically” as Australian medical professionals write to leaders and energy companies calling for the country to replace coal power by 2030.  

Australia’s tropical rainforests have been dying at double the previous rate since the 1980s, with scientists saying these natural systems may have already been responding to the climate crisis for decades. 

And statistical measures like the "one-in-100-year flood" level are used by authorities to determine safe building standards, but one of Australia’s leading climate scientists said climate change has made those measures "essentially worthless”. 

Australian doctors echo UN boss’s call for an urgent end to coal power

Global and domestic calls to end coal use are mounting along with the health and environmental costs of burning fossil fuels as Australian medical professionals call for Australia to replace coal power by 2030. 

Australia’s tropical rainforests have been dying faster for decades in ‘clear and stark climate warning’

A new study found the average life of tropical trees in north Queensland had been reduced by about half over the past 35 years, with scientists comparing the findings to mass coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef. 

Climate change has made old measures predicting weather events 'essentially worthless'

Statistical measures like the "one-in-100-year flood" level are used to determine safe building standards, but experts say accurate climate change projections would "take the blindfold off" emergency responders, save property and save lives. 

Australia’s climate data to UN questioned as study finds land clearing in Queensland underreported

Queensland forests are being cleared at almost twice the rate reflected in national greenhouse gas emissions, new analysis suggests, prompting questions about the climate data that Australia reports to the UN. 

Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project will increase emissions, Australia Institute reveals

A hydrogen project proposed as a green solution for Victoria's dying coal industry will likely increase emissions rather than meet its claimed reductions, documents obtained via FOI have revealed.