The Canopy

The world 'must deliver' on climate

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Sunday, 4 June 2023

Federal Court arrives on-country for climate change fight in the Torres Strait
Elders of island communities in the Torres Strait will this week show a federal court the extent of climate change harm. Two Torres Strait Islanders are in the midst of a landmark legal case against the Commonwealth in an attempt to ensure the survival of their homelands.

‘The window is closing’: Cop28 must deliver change of course on climate
Cop28 will take place in Dubai, hosted by the United Arab Emirates, a leading oil and gas producer. The official chosen to preside over the summit – Sultan Al Jaber – is the chief executive of the country’s national oil company.

Bank finance helps clear swaths of threatened species habitat
Australian banks are helping to finance the majority of deforestation that is taking place across hundreds of thousands of hectares of crucial habitat for koalas, gliders and other endangered animals, contradicting the sentiment of the banks’ environmental sustainability claims.

ASIC chairman Longo takes aim at corporate ‘greenhushers’
Corporate and environmental regulators are challenging companies not to use potentially confronting anti-greenwashing disclosure rules as an excuse to wash their hands of detailing their environmental, social and governance credentials.

A Major Showdown Is Brewing Over What Counts as a Carbon Credit
The United Nations is in the process of defining global carbon markets for decades to come, and it could make or break the fledging carbon removal industry. 

Coalmines pollute much more than their operators predicted when they sought approval
Whitehaven Coal's underground mine in northern NSW is polluting the atmosphere with more than three times the direct greenhouse gas emissions it forecast it would emit when it received environmental approval in 2015.

How a feisty turtle named Seven Hook is revealing the secrets of Sydney’s underwater nurseries
Young turtles are feasting on delicacies in the city’s waterways and spending a surprising amount of time alongside humans.

Elders are seeing the effects of climate change on country
An Indigenous community in remote Far North Queensland is seeing its country change before its eyes, and with it food security and culture.