The Canopy

The Nationals assent on net-zero, but at what price?

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Sunday, 24 October 2021

The Nationals have finally agreed to support a net-zero by 2050 target - but their blood price for supporting the deal remains veiled in secrecy. With recent rumblings from David Littleproud and others about carbon capture, it doesn’t take a crystal ball to work out that the price extracted from the PM seems likely to involve prolonging the life of fossil fuels.

The Morrison Government’s climate shambles is proving unpopular with voters, with a new poll revealing plummeting ratings for the Coalition, with voters surveyed more worried about climate policy than energy bills.

Meanwhile, the corporate energy transition moves on without the Federal Government, with Illawarra industrial giant Bluescope exploring green steel, and China announcing it plans to rely on fossil fuels for less than 20% of its power by 2060.

Nationals give conditional support for net zero emissions by 2050 target
The Nationals have given Prime Minister Scott Morrison the green light to take a net zero by 2050 target to the UN climate conference in Glasgow.

Hydrogen touted as solution in BlueScope's long road to green steel
Australia's largest steel producer BlueScope wants to start the transition to zero-carbon green steel inside the next decade, but the catch is the technology is yet to be proven on a large scale.

Secrecy shrouds the net zero deal Barnaby Joyce's Nationals have struck with Scott Morrison
When the bells ring, politicians rush to vote.  But in the last week, bells have had little to do with the rushing going on within the federal National Party. It's been more about rushing to cameras than it has been about rushing to agree to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Alan Kohler: The whaling industry shows us the future for coal
Coal is an important industry for Australia, especially New South Wales and Queensland, and our national power grid is geared to it. It’s also doomed, writes Alan Kohler.

These households are ditching gas, slashing bills and going 'net zero'. Here's how
Australians are joining a worldwide movement that envisions a future where more people are living in comfortable, low-emissions homes and spending less on energy.

Horror poll for Scott Morrison’s government as Labor races ahead to shock lead 54 to 46
Survey reveals seachange by voters with more concerned about climate change policy than energy bills

China aims to cut fossil energy use to below 20% by 2060
China is targeting an ambitious clean energy goal of reducing fossil fuel use to under 20 percent by 2060, according to an official plan published by state media on Sunday.