The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

A greater glider has been spotted in Deongwar state forest

After 25-years logging and bushfires, a greater glider has been spotted in Deongwar state forest. Deongwar state forest contains 4,700 hectares of intact remnant native bushland and is a key wildlife corridor, connecting large tracts of nearby forest. But in March the logging stopped.

Lord Howe island faces major coral bleaching as ocean temperatures soar

Scientists fear excessive ocean heat – which is bleaching corals in parts of the Great Barrier Reef – is now hitting the world’s most southern coral reef at the World Heritage-listed Lord Howe island. There are also concerns ocean temperatures are reaching dangerous levels for corals at Australia’s...

Japan to release radioactive Fukushima water into Pacific tomorrow

Japan will begin the release of more than 1 million tonnes of treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant tomorrow. Greenpeace said the decision disregards scientific evidence - and those living in the Pacific.The states will have three more years to complete water...

Traditional owners win court case to stop nuclear waste dump in South Australia

A Federal Court judge has sided with the Barngarla people and blocked a nuclear waste facility from being built near Kimba, South Australia, citing the “apprehended bias” of former Coalition resources minister Keith Pitt.An unrelenting heatwave is sweeping across southern Europe and North America,...

Nuclear too slow and expensive to help Australia reach net zero, study finds

Nuclear power should not form part of Australia’s plans to reach net zero emissions, a new report has found - but the pipeline of solar and onshore wind projects could fall short of what’s needed.The Andrews Government is being urged to end its opposition to Commonwealth water purchases in the...

Our priority is bringing you the important stories of the day, regardless of which media outlet publishes them. Inclusion of stories in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement of the media outlet or the views and statements contained within them.

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