The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Roger Cook faces defamation threat from teen climate protesters

Two teenage climate protesters are threatening to sue the WA premier for defamation following Woodside’s annual general meeting last week. A new Japanese whaling ship is preparing for its maiden voyage. And a group of leading Defence figures has warned climate change will make parts of northern...

A greater glider has been spotted in Deongwar state forest

After 25-years logging and bushfires, a greater glider has been spotted in Deongwar state forest. Deongwar state forest contains 4,700 hectares of intact remnant native bushland and is a key wildlife corridor, connecting large tracts of nearby forest. But in March the logging stopped.

Australia likely emitting more methane than reported

Australian fossil fuel producers are probably emitting twice as much methane as they report under traditional measures, according to a think tank led by Rod Sims that pushes for more aggressive energy transition targets. Mr Sims said the federal government must insist on more accurate data from...

Twenty-nine pilot whales dead after mass stranding on WA beach

Authorities are rushing to save more than 150 whales from a mass stranding at a beach in Western Australia’s south-west. Four pods have spread across roughly 500 metres at Toby Inlet near Dunsborough and 29 of these have died, Parks and Wildlife Service Western Australia confirmed.“There are 20...

CSIRO survey reveals nationwide attitudes towards the renewables transition

Australia’s national science agency has released a survey on nationwide attitudes towards the renewable energy transition, which reveals that almost nine out of every ten Australians want a faster or moderate transition to clean energy. Many respondents have cited energy affordability,...

Political stoush erupting over Australia’s environment laws

A political stoush is erupting over a tweak to Australia's environment laws, with the federal government saying it is "clarifying" the approvals process for new offshore gas projects. But the Greens, some independent MPs and environmental groups have condemned the proposed changes, arguing it is a...

Lord Howe island faces major coral bleaching as ocean temperatures soar

Scientists fear excessive ocean heat – which is bleaching corals in parts of the Great Barrier Reef – is now hitting the world’s most southern coral reef at the World Heritage-listed Lord Howe island. There are also concerns ocean temperatures are reaching dangerous levels for corals at Australia’s...

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