The Canopy

Spring heatwave set to hit eastern Australia

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Thursday, 14 September 2023

South-east Australia is warned to brace for the first heatwave of spring, with temperatures soaring to more than 12 degrees Celsius above average in regions including Sydney by early next week as a weather pattern more typical of mid-summer takes hold.

Around 1,000 demonstrators marched to the steps of Santos’ Sydney office, delivering a letter to demand an end to a $3.6bn gas project in western NSW. Representatives from the Gomeroi nation, the Country Women’s Association, Unions NSW, NSW Farmers and Lock the Gate signed the letter.

In a scientific first, researchers have tracked the journey of a single southern right whale off Australia's southern coast. A satellite tag showed that Nebinyan, an adult, circled the Southern Ocean before heading directly to Antarctica during the warmer months, where it remained before completing its 6,000-kilometre round-trip via a nearly identical route.

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