The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Politics trump science as Great Barrier Reef avoids 'in danger' listing

In a massive victory for backroom deals and yet another blow to our beloved Reef, UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee has voted against stating the obvious and listing the Great Barrier Reef as a World Heritage site “in danger”.

The news comes amid a warning that China, Russia, Brazil and Australia all have energy policies associated with 5C rises in atmospheric temperatures, a heating hike that would bring devastation to much of the planet.

And a vulnerable breed of beach-loving shorebirds have found “paradise” in a city on Victoria’s south-west coast.


World Heritage Committee agrees not to place Great Barrier Reef on ‘in danger’ list

The Great Barrier Reef will not be placed on a list of world heritage sites “in danger” after a global lobbying effort from Australia against the proposed listing.

Plans of Australia and three other G20 states are threat to global climate pledge, warn scientists

A key group of leading G20 nations is committed to climate targets that would lead to disastrous global warming, scientists have warned. They say China, Russia, Brazil and Australia all have energy policies associated with 5C rises in atmospheric temperatures, a heating hike that would bring devastation to much of the planet.

How the carbon tax has come back to haunt the Australian government

The Gillard government introduced a carbon tax in 2012, it was dumped by the Abbott government as soon as it came to power and replaced with a more than $3 billion taxpayer subsidy, doled out to applicants that promised to cut carbon emissions. It'd be funny if it wasn't so tragic. But the joke now is on us and the tragedy is that it will cost us dearly. Australian businesses are about to be whacked with a carbon tax, not by Canberra but by the EU.

Renewables drive Australian emissions lower as wind records blown away

Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions extended their declines into the first three months of 2021, driven lower by a roaring renewable energy sector that set fresh records during this past windy weekend.

Group of 20 nations fails to agree on phasing out coal by 2025

The G20 group of rich nations failed to agree on phasing out coal by 2025 at a meeting of energy and environment ministers on Friday marking 100 days until the crucial COP26 climate talks begin in Scotland in November.


Vulnerable hooded plovers find 'paradise' in coastal Victoria, but for how long?

A south-west Victorian coastal city is being hailed as "paradise" for a vulnerable breed of beach-loving shorebirds. The hooded plover is considered vulnerable to extinction in mainland Australia and critically endangered in New South Wales.

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