The Canopy

Plibersek greenlights Burrup fertiliser plant

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Monday, 22 August 2022

Tanya Plibersek has approved a controversial fertiliser plant near ancient rock art on Western Australia’s Burrup peninsula.

Shell is considering developing its own offshore wind project in Gippsland, intensifying a race between global powerhouses in Victoria.

And new research has confirmed that the Australia-wide rabbit invasion resulted from a single introduction of just 24 animals in 1859.


Tanya Plibersek backs contentious fertiliser plant on Burrup peninsula

The federal environment minister, Tanya Plibersek, has ruled a controversial $4.5bn fertiliser plant near ancient rock art on Western Australia’s Burrup peninsula can go ahead after being told it had the support of a local Aboriginal corporation.

Shell considers Victorian offshore wind project as race accelerates

Shell is considering developing its own offshore wind project in Gippsland, intensifying a race between global powerhouses to develop the renewable energy source in Victoria.

FOI documents reveal Hancock's plan to mine iron ore at asbestos-riddled Wittenoom

Gina Rinehart's prospecting company has considered digging for iron ore in the asbestos-riddled area around Wittenoom. Documents released through Freedom of Information (FOI) show Hancock Prospecting considered mining the area and told the WA government how it would manage asbestos risk on contaminated country in the state's Pilbara region. 

Australia’s rabbit invasion traced back to single importation of 24 animals in 1859, study finds

The Australia-wide rabbit invasion resulted from a single introduction of just 24 animals in 1859, new research has confirmed.

Legal challenge by Aboriginal traditional owners to Santos' Barossa gas project hears evidence on Tiwi Islands

Traditional owners on the remote Tiwi Islands have given evidence in a special on-country, beachside federal court hearing, in a bid to stop a multi-billion dollar Santos gas project in waters off Darwin from going ahead.