The Canopy

New QLD gas development could increase emissions by 60 per cent

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Wednesday, 12 January 2022

A new report by a leading climate change expert has found that proposed gas development in the Lake Eyre Basin could increase Australia's total annual emissions by 60 per cent

Investor groups have warned the EU against labelling gas investments as ‘green’

Record ocean temperatures continue to drive headlines

And South Australia has set a new renewable energy record in the final days of 2021

Channel Country gas development could increase national emissions by 60 per cent, report says

A new report by a leading climate change expert has found that proposed gas development in the Lake Eyre Basin, greenlit by the Queensland government without consulting Traditional Owners, could increase Australia's total annual emissions by 60 per cent

Extinction Rebellion activist has chalk message case thrown out by Perth magistrate

Rosa Hicks was one of six arrested after a group of activists used washable chalk paint to write messages on a pedestrian bridge in Perth within view of Woodside’s headquarters to protest the company’s development of Scarborough mega gas project.

South Australia sets new renewables record in final days of 2021

The state’s solar and wind farms and rooftop solar systems supplied an average of just over 100 per cent of local demand every day for a period of almost one week

Investor group warns EU against labelling gas investments as green

The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), whose 370 members include most of the world's biggest asset managers such as BlackRock and Vanguard, said doing so would undermine the EU's attempts to lead international efforts to set credible, science-based standards for green investments

Ocean temperatures set heat records, raising fresh concerns for marine life

The world’s oceans recorded their hottest year in more than 60 years with greenhouse gases driving increasing temperatures, amid concerns the ocean’s ecosystems will be unsustainable in the warmer climate