Planned gas developments on Western Australia’s Burrup Hub led by fossil fuel giant Woodside could result in twice as much greenhouse gas being emitted as any other Australian fossil fuel development up for approval, according to an analysis by Greenpeace.
In a stunning photo essay, multi-award-winning photographer Andrew Quilty takes readers of The Guardian on a journey through Fiji’s Kioa Island as locals push for action while their way of life is reshaped by climate change.
Over 100 people have now been arrested as part of the Rising Tide blockade of the Newcastle coal port, including 97-year-old Reverend Alan Stuart. According to Rising Tide, if Reverend Stuart is charged, he will be the oldest person ever charged in Australia. Please enjoy this footage of his very careful and dignified arrest to a heroes’ welcome: sound on
Burrup Hub gas project could release 13 times Australia’s annual carbon emissions
The analysis led by Greenpeace estimated the Burrup Hub expansion could lead to 6.1bn tonnes of CO2 across the decades ahead if fully developed – roughly 13 times what Australia emits annually.
Newcastle Port protest: reverend Alan Stuart, 97, among 109 arrested in climate blockade
Police arrested 109 climate protesters taking part in a blockade at Newcastle port on Sunday, including Alan Stuart, a 97-year-old Uniting Church reverend. NSW police say protesters continued blocking the port beyond the 30-hour agreed deadline. Read one activist’s explanation of why he participated here.
Happy, faithful and tied to nature: Life adapting to the climate crisis
Award-winning photographer Andrew Quilty joined Greenpeace Australia Pacific on board the Rainbow Warrior to show how the way of life on Pacific islands is reshaped by climate change.
Greenpeace activists board deep-sea mining ship in the Pacific
The action is happening between Hawaii and Mexico, with Greenpeace saying the activists will stay to protest exploration the ship is conducting to support activity that would destroy marine life. Sign our petition to protect the ocean from deep-sea mining here.
‘Google for wildlife sounds’: Huge boost for conservation research
A new search tool from Google Australia lets ecologists and conservationists upload recordings of wildlife calls, and instantly match them to thousands of similar sounds from around the country, allowing for ecosystem insights that could otherwise take thousands of hours to achieve.
We've committed to protect 30% of Australia's land by 2030. Here's how we could actually do it
In the mid-1990s, only 7% of Australia’s land was protected for conservation. Now, it’s more than tripled to 22%. But to reach our ambitious goal of boosting protection to 30% by 2030, we’ll have to sharpen our focus and boost funding.
Why is the Paris climate agreement still important?
The Paris Agreement saw almost all the world's nations - for the first time - support a common strategy to cut the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. But what is it, and why is it important?
Pollution from coal power contributes to far more deaths than scientists realised, study shows
Air pollution particles from coal-fired power plants are more harmful to human health than many experts realized, and it’s more than twice as likely to contribute to premature deaths as air pollution particles from other sources, new research demonstrates.