The Canopy

More talk, still no action on net-zero emissions

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Sunday, 26 September 2021

For weary watchers of the endless Australian energy wars, there’s a distinct feeling of Groundhog Day, as every pollie and pundit weighs in on the possibility of a net-zero emissions by 2050 target - but, as ever, so far it’s all talk, no action.

One person who has had a gutful is Nationals MP Darren Chester, who is stepping away from his party over Barnaby Joyce’s failure on climate change. Speaking of failure, our PM has signalled he ‘may not attend’ the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow this year - could it be because he doesn’t want to face the international condemnation of his government as a blocker of global climate progress? 

Alan Kohler: Australia’s net-zero target must include legislation
The Coalition’s forthcoming launch of its net-zero emissions by 2050 target will have zero credibility unless it is accompanied by legislation, writes Alan Kohler.

Scott Morrison might not attend UN Climate Change Conference COP26 summit in Glasgow this year
As an internal battle wages within the Coalition over if Australia will commit to net zero emissions by 2050, Mr Morrison told The West Australian it was not guaranteed he would attend the major COP26 summit.

Nationals in net-zero turmoil as Darren Chester takes a ‘break’ over Barnaby Joyce’s ‘failure’
Australia faces another ugly political fight over net-zero emissions, with acting Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and the Nationals yet again refusing to sign up to the key target.

Nick Deeks: WA could lead the world on green hydrogen production
With an abundance of sunlight, space and wind, WA’s vast, arid landscape and recent $61.5 million green hydrogen financial commitment could be the country’s answer to the uptake of renewable energy.

Coalition inertia on climate undermines Australia’s credibility in region, ex-diplomats warn
The group, including former ambassadors and high commissioners, says urgent action is an ‘ethical and moral responsibility towards future generations’

PM must herd Nationals through the gate on net zero
Scott Morrison has a month to win the Coalition partner’s backing, and it’s going to cost him money, money, money, writes Jennifer Hewett.