The Canopy

Labor poised to unveil climate policies and 2030 emissions reduction target

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Thursday, 2 December 2021

Labor is set to unveil a new medium term emissions reduction target and climate policy measures, including investments in renewable jobs, after its shadow cabinet considers the proposals this morning.  

The WA government plans to set a 2030 emissions reduction target for the only state where emissions have increased since 2005, but its treatment of the gas industry will be the real test.

Land clearing and climate change are contributing to the decline of Victoria’s natural landscapes and native animals, including the eastern quoll, Regent honeyeater, and hooded plover chick.

Labor to unveil raft of climate policies including higher 2030 emissions reduction target

Labor is poised to unveil a new medium term emissions reduction target and a suite of policy measures – including significant investments in new energy economy jobs – provided the package is given the green light by the shadow cabinet on Friday morning.

WA government sets sights on 2030 emissions target – starting with Synergy

The West Australian government will set a 2030 emissions target for its power generator Synergy in early 2022 with plans for all sectors of the economy to follow in 2023. 

Victoria’s once-common plants and animals in serious decline

Victoria’s native animals and natural landscapes are in a state of serious decline, as population growth and land clearing put ecosystems under pressure and climate change causes more extreme natural disasters such as bushfires.

How satellites are challenging Australia's official greenhouse gas emission figures

Methane is a powerful, invisible gas that might be a key driver of global warming. Now satellite imagery is raising questions over whether Australia has been accurately reporting its emissions to international bodies.

Charities blast ‘unfair’ law changes they say will silence dissent during elections

Australian charities have warned “fundamentally unfair” laws rushed through parliament that force charities to declare their donors with retrospective effect will muzzle them and silence dissent during elections.  

Solar and La Niña boost summer reliability outlook, but failing coal still a worry

The Australian Energy Market Operator has for the second year in a row predicted no supply shortfalls for the upcoming summer, buoyed by Covid-defying amounts of new rooftop solar capacity and forecasts for milder La Niña conditions.