The Canopy

It's Tuesday, and we still don't have a net-zero target

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Monday, 18 October 2021

It’s Tuesday, and we still don’t have a net-zero target. We do, however, have details of the PM’s “net zero plan”, courtesy of The Australian, and it includes a projected increase in gas exports. A net-zero plan that involves extracting and exporting even more dangerous, climate-destroying fossil fuels doesn’t sound particularly useful.

There are bi-partisan calls for Resources Minister Keith Pitt to resign, and a reminder, in case one was needed, that nuclear is not a valid climate solution.

PM: Cabinet decides on net-zero
The Australian reports that the PM’s “net zero plan” includes an increase in gas exports.

Barnaby Joyce's Nationals take aim at Scott Morrison's Liberals in climate change showdown
The Nats are shaking down their own government, wanting billions of dollars in return for adopting a net zero carbon emission commitment by 2050.

Paul Bongiorno: Nationals’ theatre of the absurd drains government credibility
The government of Australia is playing out a pantomime whose happy ending can only result in a shredding of its credibility on climate change.

European Union and Ernst & Young warn not tackling climate change could financially hinder Australia
The federal government's refusal to adopt more ambitious interim climate targets by 2030 could damage Australia's ability to attract future foreign investment.

Net zero emissions by 2050: Call for Resources Minister Keith Pitt to resign

Labor and even some Coalition MPs say Resources Minister Keith Pitt should resign for failing to get behind the bulk of his sector which wants to see the Government commit to net zero emissions by 2050.

Nuclear power is too costly, too slow, so it’s zero use to Australia’s emissions plan
With a 20-year development timeline, nuclear plants won’t be built soon enough to stop temperatures rising above 2C. So why are we wasting precious time debating them?