The Canopy

Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior to dock in Australia this weekend

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Thursday, 20 April 2023

Greenpeace’s most iconic ship, the Rainbow Warrior, arrives in Western Australia this weekend to join with local communities to protect our oceans and climate from fossil fuel company Woodside and its monstrous Burrup Hub gas project. We’re sailing the length of WA with a simple message: choose whales not Woodside.

An official review has found that Australia recycles just 18% of plastic packaging, according to the latest annual figures, and will only get two-thirds of the way to its national target of 70% by 2025.

The first El Niño phase of the Pacific Ocean in eight years is becoming more likely in 2023, increasing the odds of drier and warmer weather across eastern Australia, with predictions it may be one of the strongest in decades.

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