The Canopy

Gas-fired power falls as Morrison Government gaslights on climate

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Renewable energy is squeezing coal and gas out of the electricity market, with renewables providing five times more power than gas in 2021 and coal-fired power at its lowest level since the NEM began in 1999.

Despite this evidence, the Morrison Government's pre-election renewables scare campaign is in full swing, with claims a coal and gas ban would cost 53,000 jobs in Queensland alone. 

ANU Professor and IPCC vice-chair Mark Howden has issued a warning that “our foot is not off the climate change accelerator” and without urgent action, conditions that spawned the Black Summer bushfires of 2019-20 could be the new normal by the end of this decade. 

Gas-fired power falls to lowest level since 2005 as Coalition pushes ahead with its ‘gas-fired recovery’

The exponential rise of renewable energy led to it providing more than 30% of Australia’s electricity in 2021, while gas-fired power fell to its lowest level in 16 years.

Coalition’s latest coal jobs scare campaign reveals a big renewables blindspot

The Morrison government’s pre-election scare campaign around climate and renewables is reaching fever pitch, with claims that a ban on new coal and gas projects in Australia would cost 53,000 jobs, $85 billion in investment, “in Queensland alone.”

Climate change robs Australia of rain

Vast swathes of Australia have already lost 20 per cent of their rainfall and the country's fire risk has gone beyond worst-case scenarios developed just a few years ago, a renowned climate expert says.

Twiggy’s Fortescue plans $10 billion Pilbara wind and solar farm

Andrew Forrest’s Fortescue has released plans to build a 5.4-gigawatt wind and solar project to power its iron ore operations in the Pilbara region, a project on a scale dwarfing anything currently operating in Australia.