The Canopy

Energy ministers plot clean energy transition path but speed and detail still a factor

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Following crisis talks, Australia’s energy ministers have agreed on major reforms to back renewables and storage as part of a national transition plan to phase out fossil fuels, as well as funding projects to bolster the electricity grid through various weather conditions, and give regulators greater power to procure and store gas. 

Dirty coal and gas have been excluded from the capacity mechanism to be developed for future energy crises, with the communiqué stipulating it fund spare capacity through renewables. 

And the NSW government will support households to access solar power, with 10 years of solar system payments upfront. 

Energy crisis talks lead to deal to create Australia’s first clean power transition plan

Australia’s energy ministers agreed on Wednesday night to take 11 actions, with reforms to create a transition plan to phase out fossil fuels, bolster the electricity grid, and empower the market operator to hold emergency stores of gas.

Coal and gas excluded from reliable power fix

Energy ministers have instructed regulators to develop a mechanism in which baseload generators will be paid to keep spare capacity on hand to deal with energy crises, with coal and gas to be excluded from the mechanism. 

One-third of NSW homes to get upfront payment for 10 years of solar rebate

The state government is set to announce a plan to allow NSW residents to access 10 years of solar system payments upfront to help with the rising cost of energy.

Koalas grazing near Portland Aluminium smelter suffering bone, tooth defects from fluoride exposure

Fluoride emissions from an aluminium smelter in Victoria's south-west are causing koalas grazing nearby to develop an irreversible and sometimes fatal condition, a study has found.

Electric cars could get cheaper as a crucial component in them drops in price

The cost of electric cars could start to fall as the price of the core component in EV batteries, lithium, is expected to reduce, according to market analysts Credit Suisse.