The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Cracks appear as the Nationals hold out on net zero

The debate about a net-zero emissions target drones on, with suggestions that PM Morrison’s attendance at the COP26 climate summit hinges on his ability to get his junior Coalition partners over the line.

The Nationals are dragging their feet, with Matt Canavan predictably suggesting that phasing out fossil fuels will ‘take us back to the Stone Age’, an era about which he may know a thing or two, and deeper cracks emerging in the party. Meanwhile, inner city Liberal MPs are pushing for not just a net-zero target, but a plan to go with it.

And in case you missed it, over the weekend the Vanuatu Government launched a campaign to seek advice from the International Court of Justice on the responsibilities of governments for climate impacts.

Scott Morrison under pressure to attend COP26 with net zero commitment
The Nationals are dragging out internal government negotiations that will let Australia sign up to a net zero by 2050 commitment, with Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce refusing to reveal what terms will win their support.

Advocates urge further climate action in Australia ahead of Glasgow COP26 conference
Australia's carbon reduction efforts are receiving global scrutiny — and in a grassy paddock on the Mornington Peninsula, outside Melbourne, the impact is being felt right now.

Anthony Albanese slams Scott Morrison as ‘weak’ for indicating he may not attend UN climate conference
Labor leader and aspiring prime minister Anthony Albanese has slammed Scott Morrison for indicating he might not attend the United Nation’s climate change conference later this year, saying it shows he doesn’t care about global warming.

City Liberal MPs call for net zero target as some Nationals remain implacably opposed
Liberal MPs in metropolitan seats have declared the Morrison government needs to adopt both a net zero target, and a roadmap demonstrating how that commitment will be met, because one doesn’t work without the other.

Canavan: Switching off fossil fuels will send us ‘back to the Stone Ages’
Nationals Senator Matt Canavan says Australia cannot just switch off fossil fuels in a bid to reach net-zero emissions unless “we want to go back to the Stone Ages”.

Fracas among Nationals comes at pivotal time for climate change policy
The decision by Victorian MP Darren Chester to remove himself from party-room meetings in frustration at the Nationals’ leadership points to a deeper fissure as Barnaby Joyce seeks to deal with his Liberal colleagues as they grind towards a plan for net zero emissions to tackle climate change.

Pacific students bolstered in climate legal campaign
Following a student-led campaign, the Vanuatu Government has launched a campaign to ask the International Court of Justice, the UN's top legal advisor, to advise on the intergenerational responsibilities of governments for the impact of climate change.

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