The Canopy

Coalition puts its commitment to net-zero into question

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Tuesday, 26 April 2022

The Coalition’s commitment to its flimsy “plan” to get Australia to net-zero emissions by 2050 is in question after members of the Nats described the target as “flexible” and “non-binding” with one going so far as to call the goal “dead”.

In Queensland, a group of young people have launched a landmark climate and human rights challenge against Clive Palmer’s proposed Galilee coal project, arguing it could be the biggest thermal coal mine in Australia.

And the battle kicks off as the authors of a new report warn that the number of too many new coal-fired power stations are planned for the world to stay within safe temperature limits.

Government puts its commitment to net-zero by 2050 into question

The director of rightwing think tank, the IPA, said it’s clear Coalition candidates are “building the momentum to dump” the government’s 2050 commitment after the target was described as “flexible” and “non-binding”.

Young Queenslanders take Clive Palmer’s coal company to court, arguing ‘devastating’ consequences of mine

Clive Palmer’s Galilee Coal Project could be the biggest thermal coal mine in Australia and produce almost four times that of the Adani mine, the Queensland Land Court has heard as a landmark climate and human rights challenge kicked off on Tuesday.

Too many new coal power stations planned for 1.5C climate goal, report concludes

The number of coal burning power plants under development around the world fell last year, but far too much coal is still being burned and too many new coal-fired power plants are planned for the world to stay within safe temperature limits.

AGL Energy faces $90m hit from Loy Yang A coal breakdown

The breakdown of a coal generator at AGL Energy’s Loy Yang A plant in Victoria could reduce the power giant’s net profit after tax by nearly $90m if the facility remains out of action until August 1, RBC said. 

Australia has little credibility left in the Pacific

The Solomon Islands' security pact with China is yet another worrying marker of Australia rapidly losing influence in the Pacific.

Sun Cable unveils staggering scale of world’s biggest solar and battery project

Sun Cable, the venture backed by billionaires Mike Cannon-Brookes and Andrew Forrest, has revealed the staggering scale of its proposed solar and battery project – the biggest of its type in the world – as it lodges its environmental impact statements.