The Canopy

Climate wars enter the election

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Tuesday, 19 April 2022

When it comes to the vexed issue of climate change, neither the Coalition nor the Labor Party has a great story to tell. But that hasn’t stopped them from claiming they are not as bad as the other side. That campaign kicked off this week with some old-fashioned scare-mongering around power prices by Energy Minister Angus Taylor. In case you missed it, the climate wars have entered the election race.

And just one week into the official campaign, the Coalition has already racked up promises to channel almost $1.3 billion in fresh subsidies to the fossil fuel industry – spending nearly $150 million a day.

It’s no wonder that Australia’s has fallen from 35th to 52nd in a global ranking of how different nations are responding to the global warming crisis, one rank behind the oil giant Saudi Arabia in a group of nations described as “climate laggards”.


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