In today’s news, Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action has had a massive win in the NSW Land and Environment Court against the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). The ruling states that the NSW EPA must develop environmental quality objectives, guidelines and policies to ensure environment protection from climate change. It’s a remarkable outcome, and has major implications for the way greenhouse gas emissions are monitored and regulated in the state.
The independent advice provided to the Energy Security Board strongly recommended against the controversial “capacity” markets proposal that would pay coal power stations simply to exist that has been championed by federal energy minister Angus Taylor.
And the New England renewable energy zone has drawn a flood of prospective investors with more than 80 projects offering to build about 34 gigawatts of new solar and wind farms in New South Wales.
In a landmark ruling and a win for a bushfire survivors group, the Land and Environment Court has ordered the New South Wales Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to take steps to safeguard against climate change.
The Federal Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Angus Taylor, is battling to get support from the states and territories for his plan to get electricity retailers to pay coal and gas-fired power generators to keep operating.
The independent advice provided to the Energy Security Board strongly recommended against the controversial “capacity” markets proposal – now dubbed the “Coalkeeper” subsidy by its critics – that has been championed by federal energy minister Angus Taylor.
The New England renewable energy zone has drawn a flood of prospective investors with more than 80 projects offering to build about 34 gigawatts of new solar and wind farms in NSW.
A shareholder activist group is taking Australian oil company Santos to court over its claims it produces “clean fuel” and plans to reach net zero emissions by 2040.