The Canopy

Australia’s climate obstruction in the Pacific revealed

Written by Greenpeace Australia Pacific | Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Australia has been accused of “greenwashing” its aid to the Pacific, with a new report from Greenpeace Australia Pacific finding that fewer than one-quarter of all aid projects in 2018 and 2019 that the Australian government labelled “significantly focused” on climate adaptation made any mention of climate change or environmental concerns.

The Australian government has been criticised for prominently hosting a fossil fuel company at its pavilion at COP26, with a banner ‘Positive energy the Australian way’ framing an exhibit about carbon capture by Santos. 

If pledges made at COP26 and beforehand are kept, global warming stands to peak at 1.9 degrees this century, according to new analysis prepared by an expert team at the University of Melbourne. 

Three-quarters of Australia’s ‘significant’ climate aid projects in Pacific don’t mention climate change, Greenpeace says

Australia has been accused of “greenwashing” its aid to the Pacific, with the government claiming that major projects are significantly focused on climate adaptation when they have little or no link to climate change or the environment.

Inside Australia’s COP26 ‘propaganda’ pavilion, which went viral for touting fossil fuel companies

Delegates at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow have been left stunned by Australia’s national pavilion, which includes exhibits from fossil fuel companies. Under the banner ‘Positive energy the Australian way’, the pavilion includes an exhibit about carbon capture by oil and gas company Santos.

If pledges already made at Glasgow are met, warming ‘to peak below 2 degrees’

Global warming is now projected to peak at 1.9 degrees this century due to pledges made at the COP26 climate talks and beforehand, according to a new analysis, which assumes that all the commitments made are kept, and that funding is found to help developing nations reach their targets.

COP26 coalition worth $130 trillion vows to put climate at heart of finance

Banks, insurers and investors with $130 trillion at their disposal pledged on Wednesday to put combating climate change at the centre of their work, and gained support in the form of efforts to put green investing on a firmer footing.

Scott Morrison plays down Australia's overall emissions compared to China's, but that's not the whole story

Prime Minister Scott Morrison regularly highlights the sheer volume of China's emissions and its central role to tackling the global issue of climate change. But just how do the emissions of China and Australia stack up? And how does it affect the global climate talks taking place in Glasgow?