The Canopy is a weekday morning email newsletter provided by the team at Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

Australia ranked dead last on climate, again.

Once again Australia has had a very special honour bestowed upon it - the honour of being ranked dead last in the world on climate action, with a new report from Climate Action Tracker, placing Australia’s climate efforts behind countries like Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Brazil.

Back at home, Morrison’s up to his old tricks on his “regional tour” - between photo-ops at barber shops and spring roll factories, he’s announced that his government will once again try to force Australia’s “green bank”, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, to invest in failed fossil fuel technology like carbon capture.

Australia's climate policies have been ranked last out of 64 countries in a new index
Australia's "technology investment roadmap" has been deemed insufficient to decarbonise the economy, cut fossil fuel use and promote renewables.

‘Highly insufficient’: Australia’s climate goals slammed at COP26
Respected scientific research group Climate Action Tracker has given a withering assessment of Australia’s climate policies in a shock report that warned of global temperature rises of 2.4 degrees by the end of this century.

COP26 talks still have ‘mountain to climb’
The president of the United Nations climate talks says there is still a mountain to climb towards a goal of capping the global temperature rise at 1.5C as a research group said existing pledges would allow the earth to warm far beyond that.

NAB puts a climate target on its back
NAB has tried to take a practical approach to the energy transition, but that’s likely to bring the bank into conflict with green groups and big investors, writes AFR.

New fund to boost carbon capture, storage
The Morrison government is again trying to change the law to let Australia's green bank invest in controversial carbon capture and storage technology under a $1 billion fund.

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